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Hybrid Features RDM: 117 Days - Good blend of high yields and stress tolerance - Long ear with good test weight and deep kernels - Excellent husk cover �� �� 30 Northern Leaf Blight Goss's Wilt ���� �� Leaf Angle Plant Height ���� Moderately Productive Soils Less Productive Soils Ear Height �� Root Rating �� Augusta 7767 - Trait options: GENVT2P ���� �� �� Highly Productive Soils �� - Tremendous stalk and root strength ���� Seedling Vigor Grey Leaf Spot Stalk Rating �� Placement Guide Agronomic Characteristics Common Rust Corn after Corn �� �� Fungicide Response �� No-Till ���� Staygreen High Population Tolerance �� Drought Tolerance �� Hybrid Versions Hybrid Trait 7767VT2Pro GENVT2P 7767VT3Pro GENVT3P Ear & Grain Characteristics Ear Length �� Ear Girth �� Ear Flex �� Kernel Rows ���� Test Weight �� Cob Color �� ���� Husk Cover Drydown �� Silage Quantity �� Silage Quality �� Scale: 10 equals most or most extreme, 1 equals least or least extreme. NOTES: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Dominator Class

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