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The Chicken or the Egg otherwise known as the Chegg, is sometimes known as the center of town in Beach Haven, LBI. I had the pleasure of being able to meet with one of the co-owners of the Chegg, Craig Cohen. I asked Craig about The Ludicrous Challenge, which if you aren’t familiar with it, The Ludicrous Challenge is where you have to eat 12 original wings with the Ludicrous sauce on them in 15 minutes. The Ludicrous Sauce is a SUPER spicy hot sauce! Craig told me that The Ludicrous Challenge was not very popular until it appeared on Man VS Food. Man VS Food is a show on the Travel Channel, starring Adam Richman. Adam Richman travels America doing crazy food challenges. After hearing about The Chicken or the Egg, the show came to LBI and asked if they could do The Ludicrous Challenge on the show. Craig and co-owner/brother Mark said yes. Challenge accepted. “It was pretty wild, yeah. You want us to be on TV? Sure!” said Craig, when I asked him what his reaction was to being on the show. The show aired on August 25th 2010. Craig told me the challenge used to be pretty rare, but after the show aired, an interest in it began to grow. “The challenge is pretty rough, some people can’t even get through one wing. I don’t even want one!” said Craig describing the challenge. “This place is awesome,” exclaimed Craig, “it blows me away! It’s just an amazing feeling when people say this is the center of town.” I told Craig how almost everyone I know on LBI goes to the Chicken or the Egg. I asked him if he uses a lot of advertising.Word of mouth is huge! But this whole social media thing made it big.” Along with social media spreading the word about Chegg, they have a ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� an internet store. Tons of stuff is for sale on the Internet store, such as: beach towels, sauces, t-shirts, and stickers. “A lot of people don’t know it’s open 24 hours, it’s kind of like our alter ego.” said Craig. Dinner is the biggest shift of the day, and it barely dies down once the bars close! “Interesting is a good word to describe the 2 am – 5 am time of the day. Sometimes more than you wish. Some of these weekends get insane. This is a party town.” said Craig. Along with being a great restaurant, and being opened all hours, Chicken or the Egg has a GREAT take out business. If people don’t know about our take-out before they come here, they sure will after eating here. Customers will be sitting at tables eating and people will be walking up and down carrying piles upon piles of boxes.” To end our interview, Craig and I talked about how the business has grown. “It’s amazing how things have gone over the past 25 years, we used to be across the street from Murphy’s in a much smaller space. Now we’re here” said Craig. -Emma Colby �������������������������������������������������������� ����

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