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11 FIRST FIRST TITLE TITLE THIN SECOND TITLE EQUIPPING YOUR MEN’S SMALL GROUP What Your Men Can Accomplish Get all your men engaged in the regular study of God’s Word by using this magazine as a small group tool. At the end of each week’s devotions, you’ll see a box containing discussion questions and exercises. These can form the basis of your time together. These pages supplement those questions with additional steps. If you use this magazine with your men this quarter you will have: {} Summarized the principle of spiritual multiplication. {} Defined discipleship in relational terms. {} Shared the gift of Jesus that has been shared with you. {} Planned a service event for your church or community. {} Highlighted specific strategies for building intentional spiritual friendships. {} Understood the importance of the wide-to-deep continuum. {} Shifted your paradigm in the way you handle difficult people or situations. {} Dealt with the reality that not everyone will respond favorably to your efforts to share your faith. {} Realized the importance of relying on God’s plan for your life. {} Attempted to reach out to a friend or colleague in a new way. {} Analyzed whether you are living a dependent or independent life. {} Prepared a three-minute testimony that can be shared with others. {} Prayed for one another regarding the impact of your reputations on your ability to share your faith. {} Committed to lift up one another in prayer on a daily basis.

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