Loc Local Events and Farmers Fa rs Festival Dates July - December er 2 2017 Coats, NC 10 OCTOBER 11 NOVEMBER 12 DECEMBER 07 JULY 20: CACC Concert Series @ Smith Farms - Black Creek 7PM 08 AUGUST 3: Let's Play BINGO - Tentative Date for Chamber Fundraiser 17: CACC Concert Series @ Smith Farms - Tate & Marthiea 7PM 09 SEPTEMBER 9: Coats Farmers Festival Harvest Queen Pageant – 6:30 PM – Coats Erwin Middle School 21: CACC Concert Series @ Smith Farms - Carolina Tradition Bluegrass Band 7PM 28: Farmers Festival Golf Tournament – Chicora Country Club 13: Farmers Festival Weekend Opening Day Ceremony Farmers Festival CAMPGROUND OPENS 8 AM 118 Graham St, Coats | GOSPEL SING at the Depot 6 PM Submit Baked Goods to the ARTS, CRAFTS & BAKED GOODS SHOW by 5 PM | PIG in the Park Cook-Off must be checked in by 9:30 PM at the Park 14: Farmers Day Coats 9 am - 5 pm CAR & TRUCK SHOW 8 AM | LIVE at the Depot 10 AM-5 PM | ARTS, CRAFTS & BAKED GOODS SHOW 9-5 PM | TRAIL RIDE 9 AM Begins at Campground | FARM EQUIPMENT SHOW Railroad Street 10 AM | Pig cook-off plate sale 11 am | Farmer’s Day PARADE 1 PM | KID'S PARK INFLATABLES AND GAMES 10-5 PM 19: CACC Concert Series @ Smith Farms - Won 4 Christ 14: Farmers Festival Annual Appreciation & Auction 7: Coats Christmas Parade and Christmas on Main Street Coats Area Chamber of Commerce | Pat Godwin, Executive Director | 127 South McKinley Street | Coats, NC 27521 | 910.897.6213 | fx: 910.897.4672 | chamber@coatschamber.com
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