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GARDEN SCENES 1 2 3 STEPS 1. Placement stitch - place batting after this step 2. Tack down stitch - trim batting 3. Placement stitch - place base fabric #1 4. Tack down stitch - trim fabric #1 5. Placement stitch - folded fabric #2 6. Folding stitch - folded fabric #2 7. Tack down stitch - folded fabric #2 8. Placement stitch - folded fabric #3 9. Folding stitch - folded fabric #3 10. Tack Down stitch - folded fabric #3 Square Blocks Dimensions AA Size - 9.0” x 9.0” A Size - 7.7” x 7.7” B Size - 6.7” x 6.7” C Size - 5.8” x 5.8” D Size - 4.7” x 4.7” This is a master page for all of the design files. The first 10 steps are identical for each block, and are listed above. Each design has two more decorative steps, 11-12, which are different for each block, and are listed separately with each design’s instructions. Since these blocks are “Mix & Match” compatible, we have listed the master sizes for each quilt block above. 2 DESIGN - GARDEN1 STEPS 11. 344 - background flowers 12. 312 - snail 2 DESIGN - GARDEN2 STEPS 11. 167 - background flowers 12. 342 - hummingbird 1 3 1 3 GARDEN SCENES | Online Collection | 219

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