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again and again in the New Testament. St. Paul began all of his letters with a prayer for peace. In John chapter 20, after the resurrection, Jesus greets His disciples twice with the words, “Peace be with you.” And at the Last Supper, Jesus said words that our priests repeat at every Mass. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” After a brief prayer, the priest or deacon invites the congregation to offer one another a sign of peace. The words of Jesus from Matthew chapter 5 should come to mind for us. Jesus said, “Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Many people will embrace family members and shake hands with those around them. This is a time of charity and unity before receiving our Lord. There are times when the priest or bishop may omit the exchange of peace. This sometimes happens when there are highly contagious also be times when you or someone else may not be feeling well and don’t want to pass along any germs. In those cases, a simple smile and the words “Peace be with you” will suffice. For further study: John 20:19-23 • John 14:27 • Matthew 5:21-26 55 The Sign of Peace Peace is a hallmark of the Christian life. The word is used diseases that may be prevalent in a local area. There may Notes

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