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INTRODUCTION Embroidering with mylar as an appliqué allows you to create sparkly designs that give a metallic shimmer without using metallic threads! Mylar is traditionally seen as helium balloons and foil gift wrap, but we decided to think outside of the box and put together these whimsical appliqué designs! Included in this collection are 10 winter designs, digitized specifically for mylar appliqué projects, for you to add some holiday sparkle to your embroidery collection! Since mylar is metallic-based it can even be ironed when using a press cloth, opening the door to more fun projects like clothes, pillows, bags, and more to add a rare flare to your style! Many of the designs use a combination of both mylar appliqué and traditional appliqué patterns. To make things easier, we specify in the design steps which appliqué are meant for mylar. Though mylar is a sturdy material, it can be a little tricky to embroider on. Because of its tendency to be thinner, intensive stitches can easily rupture the material and tear it away prematurely. To combat this issue, we add low density fill stitches before trimming the mylar appliqués to help keep the material in tact. Just like a traditional appliqué pattern, mylar appliqués are finished with a satin stitch to keep the edges nice and clean.

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