Goals Don’t Have an Expiration Date
College Since I could remember, my dream
has always been to be the first in my
family to attend college. Growing up in a
Mexican-American barrio in Oxnard, California called
“La Colonia”, our neighborhood was filled with
hardworking families but also surrounded by gangs
and poverty. It was in my neighborhood and my
family that I found inspiration to overcome the
adversity to achieve my dreams. Throughout my
school years, as a student and a single mother, my
grandmother and mom supported me in my school
ambitions and never failed to believe in me.
After high school I had to put my goals on hold
and focus on work. As years went by, my dreams of
finishing my degree still lingered, even after two
failed attempts at a community college. It wasn’t
until I had my own family that I realized I needed to
finish what I started so many years ago. In 2017,
now as a mom of two and in my 30s, I enrolled at
Now as a sophomore at the University of
Everett Community College and started to pursue
Washington (UW) I am beginning my major
my engineering degree. Since returning to school I
in Chemical Engineering. At UW I have joined
have found support in amazing communities like
research groups in both synthetic biology and
the Society of Hispanic Engineers (SHPE) and the
Nano-fabrication while continuing my involvement
Society of Women Engineers (SWE). As a Latina in
in SHPE and SWE. Walking around on campus I
STEM it is hard not to struggle with imposter
still get overwhelmed thinking about the fact that
syndrome when we face such low representation,
I’m finally here. Sometimes the best part of my
which is why I knew through SWE and SHPE I have
day is coming home to see my kids proud that
been able to attend national conferences where I
their mom is in school and talking about how they
meet other students like myself who have faced
want to go to college one day to be engineers as
such adversity to be where they are.
44 LATINAStyle Vol. 25, No. 2, 2019 My path to getting my degree didn’t take a
typical route. Unlike most students, I also juggle
family responsibilities along with school and
extracurricular activities. However, my path here
needed to be what was best for me. Having my
children by my side are my inspiration and none of
this would be possible without the support of my
mom who has always pushed me to never give up.
After college I plan to work in synthetic biology or
drug delivery while continuing to be involved in SHPE
and SWE so that I can help empower the next
generation of Latina engineers. Each time one of us
succeeds, we all do. Never forget its not too late to
accomplish your dreams.
By Denise Beebout
University of Washington
Chemical Engineering, Class of 2021
Denise and her daughter Roswell at Denise's graduation from Everett Community
College. (Everett, WA).
At the Everett Community College
graduation with her mom Beatrice who
has helped her return to school by
supporting her as a mom and help take
care of her two young children Ricky and
The day Denise toured her first school,
she entered campus with her two young
children and made the decision to return
to college. Without her children or the
support of her family, none of this would
have been possible.
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