WWE Superstar Titus O’Neil Featured in Because of Sam, a
Film that Highlights Sam Piazza Who Has Down Syndrome
by Renee Warmack, MPA
It was a typical morning, 10 years ago.
I was sitting on my couch reading the
Tampa Tribune when I saw Sam Piazza on
the front page wearing a crown. He had
just won Homecoming King at Gaither
High School, not far from my alma mater,
in Tampa. As I read further, I became
riveted by the story that described how Sam
was born with Down Syndrome. I did not
know Sam, but felt an immediate connection
to him.
My mind drifted off to my awkward,
anxious high school years and the hardships
I’d overcome in my life. I couldn’t fathom
how someone with a disability could have
the courage to run for such a coveted
position, given the peer pressure and harsh
realities of high school life.
I just had to learn more about this incredible
young man.
So, I tracked down his mother, Ruth
Piazza, and explained how blown away I
was, and that I felt the story could make a
great movie.
I had two movies under my belt and
was available to pursue my next project.
With no funding, I set out to document
Sam’s journey the best that I could. I corralled
some friends, too, who helped me
get Ruth’s story, sound bites from Sam
and other students at the school, and even
some excerpts from staff, on tape. As I dug
deeper, I found that Homecoming King
was just one of many amazing things Sam
had accomplished.
With no money to move forward, I told
the family that I planned to be back one
day to finish the movie, but couldn’t do
any more at that time. I touched base with
Ruth throughout the years.
When I retired from a 20-year government
career in 2017, I learned that Sam
was doing well, and in fact, working at
PDQ, just minutes from my house. I
pulled the files and tapes out of storage and
Sam Piazza and WWE Superstar
Titus O’Neil at the Bob Sierra
North Tampa YMCA - A Scene
from the movie Because of Sam