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There’s Hope by Adam You’ve just read my story. You know how far I wandered from God. Maybe you’ve wandered too. If so, you probably have the same doubts I did. But let me tell you—it’s okay. No matter what you’ve done, you can come back home. Here are some things I learned that I want you to know. It’s never too late. You are never too far down the world’s path to change course. Satan wants you to think you’re a lost cause, but you’re not. Satan also wants to trick you into thinking that if you’ve gone this far, you might as well keep going. Don’t take that bait! Stop where you are and go back. Just because you’ve gone one step doesn’t mean you have to take the second. Or the forty-second. There’s no sin too big. Jesus Christ paid the price for every sin over 2,000 years ago. First Adam uses his gift of dance to usher the congregation of First Baptist Orlando into the presence of God. His artistry is a beautiful illustration of the never-ending grace and power of Jesus as Lord of our lives. Peter 2:24 says, “He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.” God has made a way for us to be healed of every addiction. No sin can escape His love. Never believe the lie that your sin is too great for God. Receive His free gift of salvation today and be made new. Take time to grow. When I first came to faith in Christ, I told all my friends about my choice to follow Jesus. But because I wasn’t yet living in freedom from my addictions, all anyone could see was the same old Adam they’d seen before. I needed time to grow and for my mind and life to be transformed by Jesus. You can’t skip that process. If you want to attract others to Jesus, your actions must reflect Him. THE REAL ADAM | from page 15 ______________ Photography by Timothy Smith of Honor Photography Upon initial evaluation, the doctors were certain I had a mental disease, and they prepared to prescribe heavy drugs. But when they scanned my body, they could find nothing wrong. They told my mom, “Your son is fine,” and sent me home. Within days, my mind was clear, and the battle within me had stilled. Some time later, I was listening to the story from Matthew 8:28–32, where Jesus cast demons out of two crazed men and into a herd of pigs. God whispered these words to my heart: ”I set you free from demons too.” Not many people think about the fact that, when we say yes to the world’s offerings, we open a door for the kingdom of darkness to come into our lives and wreak havoc. God showed me that He had set me free from demonic oppression; now it was up to me to keep the door shut, lest I become enslaved again. People often wonder how someone becomes enslaved to sin. Here’s how I see it. I think Satan looks in his box of temptations and says, “I’m going to try this one on this one.” He baits us with various temptations. He could not care less which bait we choose; he just wants us to grab hold of something so he can lure us away from God’s best for our lives. I took the bait of homosexuality, drugs, and alcohol. This tactic stems back all the way to the beginning of time, when Adam and Eve took the first bait of temptation. There they were, living in a beautiful garden in perfect union with God, when Satan dangled something sweet before their eyes. They saw it, lusted after it in their hearts, and then reasoned in their minds, “This is good. This is what we need to be complete.” With eyes off God and ears listening to the lies of the enemy, they ate the fruit of temptation. And they lost much. We all did. Similarly, God had given me everything I needed for life and godliness through His Son, Jesus. But I saw the tempting fruit, and I lusted after it with my heart. I took my eyes off God, listened to the lies of the enemy, and ate of what I thought was good. And I, too, lost much…and hurt many in the process. None of us have to take the bait. Not Eve, not Adam. Not me. And neither do you! God always makes a way out! First Corinthians 10:13 says, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” Now, that doesn’t mean that walking God’s path is going to be easy, but it does mean it’s possible. With God, all things are possible. He doesn’t leave us to fight Satan’s bait of temptation alone. He gives us His Holy Spirit to empower and encourage us so that we can stand strong. When we decide to walk according to His ways, God offers us His strength to take each step. And He blesses us along the way; He changes us from the inside out. When I chose to follow God, He gave me a sound mind, a pure heart, a clean mouth, and a desire for new ways. He blessed me with an incredible career and a beautiful, godly wife. Today I am free from every addiction and living a life that is true to who God has called me to be. He offers this to you too, if you give yourself and your ways wholeheartedly to Him. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth it! �� continued on page 39 Recently married, Adam and Ashley are building their marriage on the sure foundation of Christ. Leaving fear and the past behind, they move forward in God’s unfailing love. 16 Issue 3 2017 photography by D. Huey Photography

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