Travels by: Saba Kagani, Xavier College of Pharmacy;
Eric D. Griggs, MD; William R. Kirchain, PharmD, CDE
No matter what time of year you travel
there are certain precautions you should
always take before hitting the road.
Traveling increases your risk for getting
sick or injured so it is important to be
Proactive, Prepared, and Protected.
The CDC’s “Three P’s of Safe and
Healthy Travel.”5
Be Proactive
If you are planning to travel you
should schedule an appointment with
your physician around 6 weeks before
your trip to get checked up. You should
also ask about diseases native to the
area to which you will be traveling and
discuss the activities you have planned
while you are there.2 It is also important
for you to start exercising several months
before a trip to prevent injuries during
your vacation.4
Be Prepared
Pack smart and plan ahead. Make
sure to pack healthy snacks³ for the
trip because sugary drinks and fast food
Welcome to “Health
Talkin’ with Doc Griggs.”
In conjunction with the
Xavier University School of
Pharmacy Health & Wellness
Center, we will discuss topics
that we find most relevant
in our community. Our
shared goal is to help you
Get Checked. Get Fit. Get
1. Dusse, L. S., Silva, M. F., Freitas, L. G., Marcolino, M. S., & Carvalho, M. G. (2017).
Economy class syndrome: what is it and who are the individuals at risk?. Revista Brasileira De
Hematologia E Hemoterapia, 39(4), 349-353. doi:10.1016/j.bjhh.2017.05.001
2. Elliott, R., Banerjee, T., & Santra, S. (2018). Zika: An emerging disease requiring
prevention and awareness. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12(6), e0006486.
can lead to feeling sluggish. If you are
taking any medicines you should make
sure to keep taking them. Pack them in
each medicine’s original container.4 It
can help to have a copy of the original
prescription as well.
Be Protected
During long trips, you might be sitting
for long periods of time which increases
your risk for blood clots.¹ To keep your
circulation going, flex and move your
legs from time to time during the trip.³4,
If you are on a flight, get up and walk
around. If you are driving, make pit stops
to stretch and walk.
Have you heard of traveler’s diarrhea?
It happens to about 30 to 70 percent of
travelers. To protect yourself you should
eat food served hot or fruit you can
peel yourself. You should drink water or
liquids from sealed containers or served
hot. You should avoid salads and ice.4
3. Health tips. Healthy travel habits. (2014). Mayo Clinic Health Letter (English Ed.),
32(11), 3.
4. Schlaudecker, J. D., Moushey, E. N., & Schlaudecker, E. P. (2013). Keeping older patients
healthy and safe as they travel. The Journal Of Family Practice, 62(1), 16-23.
5. Travelers' Health. (2008, December 22). Retrieved August 7, 2018, from https://wwwnc.
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