(L-R) Gloria Braddock, John Jones, Lupita Colmenero, Robert
Bard, and Raj Karira, U.S. Secret Service.
Workforce of the Future panel. (L-R) Ilka S. Rodriguez, CIA;
Carmen Cantor, Dept. of State; Dena Perkins, FBI; Ashlee M.
Hoben, U.S. Secret Service; and Keyla Hernandez-Ulloa, FCC.
2018 Veteran ERG Co-Companies of the
Year representatives, Jon Muñoz, Hilton
and Johanna Martinez, AT&T with Lupita
Colmenero and Robert Bard.
Mistress of Ceremonies Bianca
Barcelo, Asst. General Counsel at Library
of Congress.
(L-R) Lt. Gen. Olga E. Custodio, USAF,
Retired; Captain Elsa Canales, U.S. Army
National Guard, and Michelle Rosa, U.S.
U.S. Marines in the house.
METRO representatives. Reserve with U.S. Marines.
Remember POW-MIA Salute.
Maj. Gen. Marion Garcia, U.S. Army
26 LATINAStyle www.latinastyle.com Vol. 24, No. 6, 2018