Why Do I Get Sick
When it Rains?
By LaMiah Hall and Eric D. Griggs, M.D.
You may notice that sometimes when
it rains, you get migraines/sinus headaches,
your allergies start to bother
you or your asthma gets worse. This all
because of rain carrying the pollen and
also the change in barometric pressure.
Barometric pressure is considered the
“weight of the air,” basically how much
force the atmosphere is applying.
What exactly is happening
when its raining?
When it rains, the rain droplets carry
the pollen down with them. This
also worsens when there are heavy
winds because the rain and the wind
combined is spreading the pollen everywhere
at ground level. This makes the
pollen more available to affect people
who have asthma, which can lead to
asthma symptoms such as coughing,
wheezing or shortness of breath.
After the rain falls, it is good for the
people with allergies because the pollen
is removed from the air. However, after
a few days when the ground is drying,
the sun begins to pull the water with
pollen from the ground into the air. This
leads to more pollen in the air causing
symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy nose
and even difficulty breathing.
Migraines/Sinus Headaches
Sometimes there are changes in temperature
or humidity when it rains. This
can also affect asthma as well, causing
congestion and irritation to the upper
and lower respiratory tract.
The change in barometric pressure can
also lead to migraines and sinus headaches.
Your sinuses are filled with air;
therefore, when there is a drop in pressure
there is a drop of pressure in your
sinuses. This can lead to migraines or
sinus headaches. If sinus headaches are
not taken care of soon enough, this can
lead to a sinus infection.
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