Unconditional Love
Eggy's By Juan Pablo Benítez |
Translation Services Coordinator
A&P International Inc. //
Hello, hola, bonjour! My name
is Kisses Lowry, but you
can call me Kisses. I am a
10-year-old black American Cocker Spaniel.
My hobbies are: hanging out with my
beautiful family, taking walks, eating healthy,
traveling, and of course, taking long naps in
my spare time. In my early years, I was a
show dog, and I am deeply grateful for that
experience because it developed my passion
for diversity! I really enjoyed that glamorous
world. However, I decided that it was time for
me to move on in my career and follow my
other passion: helping people and bringing joy
to those around me! That’s why I decided to
become an emotional support dog. And let me
tell you something, “I’m loving every minute
of it!”
I am currently working with my mom,
Ana María Lowry, our President and CEO,
as the “Stress-Relief Manager” at A&P
International Inc. – an Orlando, FL company
serving the global Supplier Diversity
Community through training, coaching,
business development.and cultural relevant
translations. Our clients are corporations,
government agencies and Diverse Business
keeping our spirits up, because – although our
In this scenario, I believe that we, dogs,
Enterprises (DBEs) that seek to grow their
workplace environment is amazing – we all
have to be more supportive than ever with
participation in Supplier Diversity.
know, not every day is a picnic in the business
our human fellows. It is our responsibility
I am in charge of bringing a positive
world. I love having people coming to our
to be good guides for them and help them
attitude to our daily office routines and
headquarters in Orlando; they all have
understand better – through our own example
different cultural backgrounds, projects and
– the values of humbleness, gratitude,
stories to share. I have learned a lot from
kindness and patience with one another. We
them, and it’s awesome for me to have the
have to keep going and let them know, that
opportunity to be a part of this diverse puzzle.
despite the ups and downs of life, we are
As you might guess, I have been quite
always willing to be there for them - with a
busy; working overtime for the last couple of
sincere heart and unconditional love.
months. It is no secret the world is going
So, dear dogs around the world, this is
through a pivotal time in recent history due to
our moment to shine, and to get the most
COVID-19. Small things that were taken for
important aspect of our jobs done: to bring joy
(L-R) Renee Lloret (VP of Operations),
granted, have become a luxury, and we
to those around us and leave a smile on their
Ana Maria Lowry (President & CEO),
appreciate them now, more than ever.
faces! LS
Samuel Lowry (Marketing and
Life, as we used to know it, will never be
Communications Manager) and
the same, and our Creator is giving us a
Damaris Perez (Global connections
chance to put the rush of our lives on hold to
Want to comment or have any questions on
reflect on what really matters.
this article? Email us at
20 LATINAStyle Vol. 26, No. 3, 2020