in middle school or high school
Operations for the Academy Prep
Center of Tampa, overseeing the
functionality of all three campus-
set his career on this track.
Born in Cuba on Christmas Day
as Fidel Castro and the Communist
His family moved around
Orlando, Tampa, and Rockledge
before eventually planting itself
He started kindergarten at Our
and later enrolled in the Boys Academy
of the Holy Names. At Jesuit,
he played on the baseball team
before going to the University of
Notre Dame and then the University
an appointment to the FBI or the
speak Spanish made him a top
candidate for the FBI or CIA. But
background check. It turned out
admissions at Boston University.
After earning a master’s in educa-
But in an unexpected turn of
events, the city’s school district
Doyle '66
history class that Doyle’s interest in
half of a semester, Mr. Torres’ class read
and discussed the 511-page, World War
I volume Guns of August by Barbara W.
intellectual dimension of understanding
, Doyle matriculated to the Air
to a career in academics, so he trans-
at another Ivy League school, Princeton,
as an assistant professor of political
That led to an opportunity as vice
meetings for the UN on issues of peace-
served as the Under-Secretary-General
for Peacekeeping Operations at the time,
General in 2001, and he needed an
Assistant Secretary General for Policy
Planning. Annan called Doyle.
Nobel Peace Prize after partnering the
the threat of global terrorism after
university professorship - the ability
to teach across multiple departments,
such as political science, the School of
International Relations and Public Affairs,
develop the Model International Mobility
Convention at Columbia, a model treaty
brought together from many different
Education is ingrained in Doyle’s family.
has been
president of the University of Pennsylva-
a professor of chemistry at Princeton.
fortune of being a member of superb
Tamayo ’78: A
winding road
back to Tampa