Vol. 26, No. 5, 2020
Table of Contents 2 LATINAStyle Vol. 26, No. 5, 2020
Columns & Departments
8 Toyota Running on Latina Power
Pivoting in times of crisis is nothing new to Toyota. As one of the most
successful automotive companies in the world, it is also a great place
for Latinas to work. The San Antonio plant of Toyota like everywhere
else was hard hit by the Coronavirus. Its employees, its suppliers, and
business partners who directly provide services to the company were
directly impacted by the pandemic. Toyota Motor North America
experienced a temporary shutdown but quickly established new work
from home policies, and put into place extensive COVID-19 safety
protocols throughout their plants. Through it all, the company remains
strong -thanks, in part, to its San Antonio, Texas-based employees
and a team of experts. Learn more about the talented Latinas behind
Toyota’s success here.
By Gloria Romano-Barrera
Latinas, Time to Get On Board
Having a gender diverse board is not only good for business but
good for diversity of thought. While many reports and corporations
have captured the importance of a diverse board, women,
specifically Latinas remain underrepresented in the C-suite and the
boardroom. Read ways Latinas such as Nina Vaca, CEO of Pinnacle
Group; Sara Tucker, board member of American Electric Power,
Nationwide, and Service Corporation, International and Esther
Aguilera, CEO of the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA),
are changing the status quo.
By Gloria Romano-Barrera
Elizabeth Nieto, Cultivating Impactful
Diversity and Inclusion at Amazon
In 2019, Amazon appointed Elizabeth Nieto as the head of Global
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. With courage, tenacity, and perseverance,
Nieto has led by example when it comes to diversity. Her leadership
role at the world's largest online marketplace, AI assistant provider,
live-streaming platform and cloud computing platform, especially
during the pandemic, has helped shape how Amazon is engaging
for impact, innovation, and shaping its future.
By Gloria Romano-Barrera
Pg. 8
Publisher’s Message
Latinas Today: Lisa Rojas Bacus, Board of Directors,
Douglas Dynamics, Inc.; Daisy Auger-Dominguez, Chief
People Officer at VICE Media Group; Marysol Luna, First
Latina Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
LATINA Style Business Series, Albuquerque, NM
Entrepreneurship in Albuquerque, NM
E&O: Prospanica Brillante Awards
Eggy’s Corner: Dog Friendships. By Dr. Elba Garcia
Latina Letters From the Front! By Captain Paulina M. Ali,
United States Air Force
Veteran’s Perspective: By Giselle Muniz Vazquez,
Vice President of Package Operations, UPS, Northeast
Las Jefas: The Latinx Superpower, The Power to VOTE,
By Marisa Rivera
About the Author: Latinas in Aviation: Author Presents
Positive Examples of Hispanic Women in Aviation,
Aerospace Industries, By Jacqueline S. Ruiz
College Beat: By Emily Hernandez, B.A. Finance Major,
University of Alabama
His View: By Ramiro Cavazos, President & CEO, United
States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Punto Final: By Nicole Quiroga, President & CEO, Greater
Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce