Hamilton Health Care System has
way with the latest technological
advances. In 2020, Hamilton invested
$46 million in approved capital
upgrades, $31 million in new clinical
community. In 2020, Hamilton
contributed over $62.7 million in
service to the community through
Every year Hamilton provides vital
medical services to thousands of
to pay for the care they receive. This
reimbursed services and charity care of
cost payments of $16.5 million.
Hamilton Medical Center began
February 2021. Hamilton Medical
Center’s premier heart care team
surgeon Richard Morrison, MD;
Schatzman, MD; chief perfusionist
cardiovascular surgical procedures.
Hamilton Medical Center recently
The clinics are a component of
Hamilton’s new internal medicine and
family medicine physician residency
programs. Resident physicians treat
Resident physicians have graduated
from medical school and are involved
area of medicine.
Services provided at the clinics
diabetes management, hypertension
treatment, and other healthcare
Health for Life
Salud de por Vida
Hamilton Health Care System recently
introduced two new podcasts and
radio shows. To listen to the podcasts,
visit HamiltonHealth.com/podcast.
You can subscribe to the podcasts
on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music,
shows air on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
and Thursdays at 9:30am and 2:30pm
and on Que Buena 101.9 and 93.9 at
11:30am and 4:00pm.
Hamilton Medical Center recently
technology that allows surgeons to
replacement procedures. The highly
replacement surgery is performed,
enabling surgeons to have a more
predictable surgical experience with
increased accuracy.
modeling of bone anatomy, surgeons
unique anatomy.
Hamilton Medical Center, helps certain
severe case of the virus. The drug uses
made proteins that mimic the immune
pathogens, such as viruses. The
treatment must be given within 7 days
16 HamiltonHealth.com