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NOTES VARIABLE 3 - CONNECTION END TYPE The next variable is connection end type. Your software will have multiple options. The connection end type that you will usually use is called chiseled. This simply means that your machine will stitch a straight line between two points and then connect it with an angled line to the next straight line. Using this setting results in a perfectly smooth stitch. The next option is square edge. You will rarely use this setting. This setting will give you a straight stitch connected by smaller straight stitches that will stitch along the border. This stitch resembles a ladder and is only used if you are digitizing a low density satin. Using this type of connection at standard density will result in thread breaks since the connecting stitches will become too small to stitch. The last connection end type is zig-zag. This style uses no straight lines. At standard density, you will not notice this at all, so I recommend only using it for low density stitches. You will use it more for craft techniques and appliqué tacking than anything else. CHISELED SQUARE EDGE ZIG-ZAG For beginners, you will never really need to alter your connection ends. You will use them further down the road for more advanced techniques.

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