Eggy's Hello everybody. Allow me to
introduce myself. My name is
Eggy Bard and I am 10 years
old. My 23 & Me says that I am a Bichon
Maltese mix. I would like to begin to tell
you about this wonderful opportunity that
has been given to me by LATINA StyleMagazine.
This is officially the launching of my monthly
column, Eggy’s Corner.
It will be my pleasure to address issues that
are of particular importance to me and my guest
columnists in the coming year. For example, I like
to be bathed every week so I can look my very
best when I have my evening walks with my
parents (Lupita and Robert.) Since I have a
gorgeous white coat I use a shampoo that
accentuates my features.
My food is very important to me, I only eat
the best. My mom puts a little fresh cooked
chicken on my plate, which makes it delicious.
Of course, if I don’t finish it my mom gives me a
stern look and talk and I go back and clean up my
I have a private and public life. After a
restful night in my comfortable bed, I wake up
and get ready to go to work with my parents.
Upon arrival at the office, I greet my colleagues
with a good morning wish and then take my
usual spot in my mom’s office overlooking out
the window checking who arrives. I am usually
very friendly but if someone comes unannounced,
Eggy with his favorite toy, the Aflac duck.
I express my disappointment (barking) and usually
I get in trouble for it. So, if you are wondering why
As of late, my mom’s daughter Eileen got a new
I am wearing the postman outfit for Halloween it
friend named Lucas and he’s always trying to
is to try to not bark at our postman anymore.
step on my toes. I have to put him in his place
On the other hand, I love our UPS man. Go
here and there but he still is a puppy although
figure. Other things I like are: To be petted, be
four times my size. A dirty look and a growl is
loved throughout the day, take my walks in the
usually all it takes to calm him down, but once in
evening, have little treats here and there, chase
a while he grabs my toys and I have to take
after my toys and my sister, Wonder. She’s a
action, not cool.
So enough about me. I am inviting some of
Wonder was running loose on the street and
my friends to submit a guest column so you can
mom decided that she needed a home and
learn what we are up to across the country. If
adopted her. It was hard at first but now we are
you would like to become part of my writing team
used to each other and even share our bed!
let me know.
Fridays are park day and I love running, playing
You can email me at
and meeting other dogs, it’s so much fun. Things
and look me up at
I do not particularly care for are getting haircuts
and grooming, visiting the vet, getting my shots,
Eggy with our UPS delivery man, Oshea
Want to comment or have any questions on
my parents travelling and going to bed too late.
this article? Email us at
34 LATINAStyle Vol. 25, No. 1, 2019