along with a contingent of Secret Service
agents. “I felt like I was the most vetted
musician in New Orleans that day,” St.
Martin commented.
Yet another memorable occasion was
what he also called “my hardest piano
performance” and it wasn’t because the
piece he was performing was a difficult
one. He actually had to “play down” his
years of experience and acquired expertise.
“It was during post-production of the
1993 movie This Boy's Life, where I was
hired to overdub a piano scene featuring
a young teen actor trying to take a stab at
Fats Domino's ‘Blue Monday,’” St. Martin
described. “I'm a professional piano
player but I had to think and play piano
off-screen as if I was an amateur like the
boy’s character was.”
This movie turned out to be the
teen actor’s first significant film role.
He was Leonardo DiCaprio.
St. Martin and his wife, Patty
Lee (who manages and publicizes
him and co-produces his records)
are also generous givers in the New
Orleans community and elsewhere,
donating time and talent to worthy
causes. Held every anniversary
eve of the hurricane, this August
28th they offer their "14th Annual
Katrina Artistically Revisited" again
at the former Theatres at Canal
Place, now Cinebarre 9. This free
special event features musicians,
artists, authors, photographers, speakers,
and other creative individuals with
their artistic responses to the Katrina
They also keep busy producing St.
Martin's live shows, as well as releasing
CDs of his original songs on their custom
label, Patty Lee Records. St. Martin’s full
CDs (“Alligator Ball,” “Katrina Anthem,”
and “Sizzlin’”) and his numerous one-song
CDs can be found at CdBaby, iTunes,
Spotify, YouTube, eBay, Apple, Barnes and
Noble, Peaches Records, Louisiana Music
Factory, and Amazon. He also has a song
titled “Must be the Mardi Gras” which
receives airplay every year during Carnival
Season. His one-song CD “Potholes
and Politicians” has over 23,000 hits on
Wrapping up, St. Martin said, “I love
to entertain. No job is too large or too
small. I started performing professionally
in New Orleans clubs when I was 16 and
I enjoy and love people of all ages and
walks of life.”
And they enjoy and love him too!
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