As he continues to engage in more
projects to improve the city’s hospitality
and tourism industries, Mark
researches and partners with creative
and influential individuals to
resolve issues in areas within New
Orleans. Mark aims to ensure that
all parts of the city experience a fair
share of tourists and income for both
small and large businesses while
securing tourist safety. “Before tourism,
safety is a number one priority,”
he explained. “We want travelers to
be aware of their surroundings and
to stay in groups. We get questions
and we stay in communication with
people. We want people to stay safe
while spreading spending in tourism
around the city.”
Jerry and Mark Romig | Photographer Michael C.Herbert
In keeping with his mission, Mark
is an active participant in community
organizations and initiatives. He
took on the responsibility of coordinating
and participating in the
Bicentennial of the War of
1812, as well as the 2015 and
2018 NOLA Navy Weeks.
He is also an established
member of the Board of
Directors of the Emeril
Lagasse Foundation.
Alongside this, he
is the Second Vice
Chair of the Audubon
Nature Institute; a board
member for WYES-TV,
the Louisiana Hospitality
Foundation and the Fore!Kids
Foundation (the producer of the
annual PGA Tour’s Zurich Classic of
Mark Romig
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