By Laura Jones, PharmD
“Every Split
Second Counts”
For many, July 4th is a day to celebrate the history that has
had an everlasting change on the United States. However, for
Mark Raymond Jr., July 4th is the anniversary of his boating
accident that created a lifelong adjustment for him as he
now lives as a C-5 quadriplegic. On July 4, 2016, 27 year-old
Mark was boating with his friends on Lake Pontchartrain.
Making a split-second decision, he dove into the water and
immediately broke his neck due to shallow water.
“I literally died three times before doctors were able to
stabilize me,” Mark said. “After several weeks in a coma,
I awoke to my new reality: I was a C-5 quadriplegic and
dependent on others for nearly everything. My mother, my
savior, became my full-time caretaker.”
Through adversities, Mark is still able to find the silver
linings of the situation. In doing so, he created the Split
Second Foundation, a non-profit organization with a mission
to bring awareness to spinal cord injuries and transforming
hope into action for many. Currently, there are 5.4 million
Americans with paralysis. For those who are paralyzed,
beyond having physical limitations from the injury, there
are barriers in regard to inadequate medical coverage, lack
of access to rehabilitation centers and a lack of technology
to fund research development.
In hopes of breaking many of these barriers, Mark wants
to build the first fitness center in Louisiana for paraplegics
and amputees. The fitness center would not only be beneficial
towards physical and mental health, but will also build
a community for those living with paralysis or amputation.
Donations to the Split Second Foundation go toward the
building of this facility. Along with donations, Split Second
Foundation partners with many local vendors and businesses
to create many community fundraising events to make the
fitness center a reality.
So take this dose of Laura and please support the Split
Second Foundation in their mission to, not only give hope,
but transform it into action. As Mark would say, “You are
either a catalyst to change or a casualty to change.” So, let’s
not just be a catalyst to change but let’s help Mark and the
Split Second Foundation make a new anniversary that brings
about an everlasting change.
For more information on events and
to find out how to donate, please visit:
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