“The Sweetheart of New Orleans”
Wanda Rouzan
“A Wonderful
By Dean M. Shapiro
WWanda Rouzan has enjoyed a rewarding and
diversified career.
Not only is she a highly acclaimed, much-sought-after singer/
performer, over the past fifty years she has also been an actress,
dancer, choreographer, music educator and a frequent grand
marshal for parades and second-lines. She loves to cook, play
cards, go fishing and mentor young people who show talent and
Wanda is also a “Who Dat junkie” with season tickets, along with
her family. She was in the house for the Saints’ 2010 Super Bowl
victory, leading a fan second-line out of the stadium, “umbrella,
whistle and all,” she recounted.
And, as icing on the cake, Wanda was recently named 2020
co-Grand Marshal of the Krewe of Femme Fatale, along with
District E City Councilmember Cyndi Nguyen. The all-women
krewe, founded in 2013, will parade on February 16.
“I have definitely had a wonderful life,” Wanda cheerfully
declared at the conclusion of a recent 30-minute interview.
Recounting details of one accomplishment after another, she
added “I want for nothing. I live life to the fullest because I’m
not promised tonight.”
Although retired from teaching after more than 30 years, Wanda
has not retired from performing, despite slowing down intentionally
to enjoy more time with family and friends. But her phone
stays busy with people calling her to do gigs and, she usually
responds to their requests accompanied by her backup band, A
Taste of New Orleans.
“As long as the phone still rings, I’ll come sing a couple of
numbers or do more,” she said. “As long as people still want me
I’ll be out there.”
And that’s what she will be doing on a few notable occasions
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