Sydney Brazile daughter and Isaiah
Brazile grandson
Mama Roux – are backed by some of New
Orleans’ top musicians on their respective
One of Wanda’s greatest sources of
pride is a scholarship fundraiser for
Drexel Prep titled “Remember When”
that she started in 1992, the same year
she founded the Xavier Prep Alumni
Association. Featuring local musicians
and other celebrities, the
event has raised between
$30,000 and $40,000
“That event is still going on
after 27 years,” Wanda proudly
stated, adding, “I’m thankful we’re
still able to do that kind of stuff and
give back. That’s one of my babies that I
work on year-round.”
Outside of performing and giving back
to the community, Wanda cherishes her
family time. “My house is kind of the
‘Sunday go to meetin’ house,’” she laughed.
“I’m always cooking something because
that’s one of my pet passions. I learned
very young with my father in the kitchen
“As long as people
still want me, I'll be
out there.”
and I maintain all the old-time recipes,”
several of which she had published,
she noted.
“We grew up fishing and crabbing and
shrimping,” Wanda continued. “My daddy
was an outdoorsman. He hunted and we
ate a lot of that kind of stuff. I grew up
eating off the land, including nutria and
rabbits. We learned how to clean and cook
them because I was always there in the
kitchen with him,” she said.
Wanda takes special joy in visits with
and from her daughter, Sydney, and grandson,
Isaiah, several times a year as they
shuttle back and forth between New
Orleans and Los Angeles. “They make
my life worth living,” she said.
In short, Wanda Rouzan is a very happy
woman: fulfilled, cheerful and ever-optimistic.
“I love what I do and I think being
loved and respected for your craft is just
the most wonderful thing in the world,”
she proclaims. “Having talent is one thing,
but you also have to work hard and this is
not an easy business. I tell this to some of
the young people I’m mentoring and I’m
happy to see them following my advice.
It’s a legacy I’m proud to pass along.”
Wanda Rouzan Fall 2019
Performance Schedule
September 12: “Thursdays at
Twilight” Series, Pavilion of the Two
Sisters, City Park. 6-8 p.m. With A
Taste of New Orleans band.
October 5: Treme Festival, St.
Augustine Church, 1210 Gov.
Nicholls Street. (Time TBA)
October 17-22: Smooth Jazz Cruise
with the New Orleans Mystics, Gina
Brown and the Clark Knighten Band
December: East New Orleans
Neighborhood Advisory Commission
(ENONAC) Christmas Extravaganza
(date, time and place TBA)
For more detailed information visit
or email her at
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