Each week during the virtual
school period, Father Hermes
has recorded a video message
for the student body and
school community
Rev. Richard C. Hermes, S.J.
but virtual, with more
than $10,000 raised in
less than 10 days for that
worthy mission. Several
students, parents, and
alumni responded to the
invitation to make a Marian
Consecration Retreat, 33
days of prayer and online
reflection leading to a
personal Consecration to
the Blessed Virgin. Finally,
Daily and Sunday Mass
continue to be livestreamed
out to the public from
Sacred Heart Chapel.
Athletics conducted
a virtual signing day,
pushed ahead with plans
to recognize our state
champion soccer and
wrestling teams, and has
finalized a celebration for
the seniors participating in
spring sports.
Student life continued with
weekly announcements
from outgoing student body
president A.J. Karabenick.
They also conducted
elections for next year’s
officers, with online
campaigning and voting by
Canvas. Many clubs – Pro-
Life, Altar Servers, Campus
Ministry, and others –
maintained contact with
their student leaders and
members and also elected
officers for next year. The
annual Awards Ceremony
was conducted with teacher
speeches filmed in the
Chapel. The video of the
ceremony was sent out to
the whole community.
Our Development and
Alumni office welcomed
the seniors back on campus
in early May for Senior Day
and provided them with a
personalized graduation
yard sign, as well as lunch.
It was a well-received
gesture that lifted spirits for
all of us who took part.
My final thoughts go
out to the seniors and
their parents, who have
dedicated so much of their
time, energy, and talent.
The Class of 2020 will
surely be remembered as
one of the most talented
ever to walk our halls,
and perhaps the most
resilient in the way they
have dealt with adversity
and disappointment these
past few months. In a short
time, they have learned
the lessons of a thousand
Convocations. And now,
at the end of their four
years, they learn what it is
to “to labor and not to ask
for reward” save that of
knowing the will of God
whom they have served so
well. To all the students,
seniors and underclassmen,
we pray that you continue
to know and love God’s
holy will in all you do in the
coming summer months.
Yours in Christ,