only in gender-stereotypical roles? Make sure independent reading
selections offer plenty of female authors and books with female
main characters, as well as options showing non-traditional
family structures. If students select public figures for biographies
or research projects, encourage a selection from diverse figures.
Pay special attention to math and language
arts instruction, curriculum areas where higher gender
disparities in learning exist.11 Older male students may lag in
language skills and study habits. Do everything possible to keep
boys reading a wide variety of materials, offering plenty of opportunity
for written self-expression. Likewise, combat the stereotype of
weak math skills in girls. Team up students to support one another
across these subject areas.
Make sure a study culture is supported for all
students; identify both male and female role models
who manifest good work habits and inspire a personal
achievement mindset. During free time, avoid offering choices
between indoor study time and outdoor activity, which tend to
become highly gender-segregated.
Look at the overall environment. While Montessori
materials may be gender-neutral, are there places where gender
segregation is practiced? Can your school establish gender-neutral
bathrooms? Where permitted and practical, this simple step goes
a long way to deemphasizing gender for all as well as reducing the
anxiety of gender-nonconforming students.
11 See, for example,’_and_girls’_