If, for whatever reason, Jesuit is unable to resume school on August 11 as planned,
with all of our students together on campus, we will begin the year with a hybrid
scenario that allows for 50% of the student body, on an alternating basis, to be
physically present on campus each day. The rotation will be primarily by alphabet to
allow students from all grade levels to be on campus at the same time and to allow
brothers to remain on the same schedule.
On the alternating days, when students are not on campus but learning from home,
they will be expected to attend their daily classes via Zoom in “synchronous” fashion.
They will follow the bell schedule for the day with attendance taken during each class
period. The teachers will provide instruction from iPads and share in real time the
notes and assignments being given to the students in the classroom. Students at home
will be expected to complete and electronically submit homework and classwork by
the specified deadlines. In general, testing and assessments will be conducted on days
when students are physically present in class.
As already stated, students whose parents feel they cannot return at the beginning
of the year every day in the preferred scenario, or even every other day in this
hybrid scenario, will be required to participate in each class throughout the day by
synchronous eLearning from home.
If at any point we resume a lockdown in such a way that no student can be present
on campus, all courses will be taught via Zoom in the same synchronous fashion
employed for those students who choose to remain at home in the two previous