by: Keith, Ireyon; Griggs, Eric M.D.; Kirchain, William PharmD
By the time they are two-years-old 1
in 10 children have at least one cavity.
Cavities are permanently damaged areas
in the hard surfaces of your teeth that
develop into tiny openings or holes(1). A
cavity develops when a tooth decays and
forms a hole that can grow bigger and
deeper over time.(2) A healthy mouth and
teeth are an important part of a child’s
Many parents assume that cavities
in baby teeth don’t matter because they
would just lose them, but dental decay
in baby teeth can negatively affect the
child’s permanent teeth. When a cavity
forms in a baby tooth, the enamel layer
begins to slowly erode. If left untreated,
the early loss could lead to empty
spaces. This becomes a problem when
the adult tooth is not ready to come out
and occupy the space. Empty spaces will
cause the teeth to shift.(3) The best way
to teach children good dental habits is to
have a routine.
There are seven mistakes that parents
make with their kids’ health:(4)
1. Letting kids brush alone
2. Letting them go to sleep with
food stuck in their teeth
3. Not making or not keeping dentist
to “Health
Talkin’ with
Doc Griggs.”
In conjunction
with the Xavier
School of
Pharmacy Health & Wellness
Center, we will discuss topics
that we find most relevant
in our community. Our
shared goal is to help you
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1. Mayo Clinic Staff. “Cavities and Tooth Decay.” Mayo Clinic, 19 July 2017,
2. Keeping your child's teeth healthy. Ed. Gupta RC, KidsHealth, Nemours Foundation, May
3. Nguyen, Kim H. “Does Tooth Decay In Baby Teeth Affect Adult Teeth?” Mint Dental,
4. Revelant, J. 7 Mistakes parents make with their kids' teeth. FOX News Network, 8 Feb.
Gorshteyn, I. The truth about sugary drinks and your smile. Mouth Healthy TM, American
Dental Association,
Dental health & hygiene for young children., 14 Oct. 2015,
5. “Caring for Your Baby's Teeth.” WebMD, WebMD, 30 Mar. 2016,
6.“Your Child's First Visit to the Dentist.” Edited by Alfred D Wyatt Jr., WebMD, WebMD, 27
May 2016,
7. “Dental Coverage in the Marketplace.”,
Grant, J, Peters A. Children's dental health disparities. The Pew Charitable Trusts, Dental
Campaign , 16 Feb. 2016,
4. Offering candy or sticky foods
late at night before bed
5. Overlooking cavities
6. Filtering fluoride out of
fluoridated water
7. Not brushing all the spots that
need to be brushed.
A child’s teeth usually appear
between 6 months and 1-year-old. As
soon as child’s teeth come in, you should
begin cleaning them with a soft brush at
least once a week.(5) As the child moves
on to solid food, the teeth will need
to be cleaned more and more often. If
children don’t like the taste of mint
toothpaste, there are several brands of
toothpaste labeled for children with
strawberry, fruit or watermelon flavors.
Once the child is old enough to brush
on his or her own you can let them brush
with you watching.
When should a child visit the dentist
office? A child should visit a dentist by
their first birthday or 6 months after
their first tooth comes in.(6) More than
18 million low-income children went
without dental care, including routine
exams, in 2014. Also in 2012, more than
4 million children did not receive needed
dental care because their families could
not afford it.(7)
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