“Any happening large or small – from
20 to 300 people – we can handle it,”
Barbara proudly declares.
“When I took over ownership, the
entire hotel was decorated in a bordello
style,” Barbara recalled. “There were
burgundy and pink silk flowers, Hunter
greens, heavy drapery. Even the hotel was
painted pink back then. The previous
owner, Mr. Roth, was simply fascinated
with the old Storyville District and he
was trying to recreate it here.”
A graphic designer by trade, Barbara
called on those skills and focused them
toward the larger scope of redesigning
the interior and exterior of the property,
transforming both into works of art.
Assisted by a dedicated and talented
staff, she has upgraded all of the rooms
with a mix of lively colors, creating a
pleasing ambiance for her guests.
Prior to her arrival in New Orleans,
Barbara was living on St. Thomas in the
Virgin Islands and, as she explained, “I
brought my love of the islands and the
ocean into the décor, as well as a muchneeded
renovation. I want our visitors
to feel as if they are in a relaxed tropical
garden in the middle of a bustling city.
I want them to have an experience here
that they’ll always fondly remember.”
The original house on the site burned
down in the 1970s and was rebuilt in
1985, reopening as a timeshare. “The
architects did a fabulous job of designing
it to fit into the neighborhood full of
beautiful old mansions of yesteryear,”
Barbara said.
Born into a military family
stationed in Germany with
a Lumbee Indian father and
German mother, Barbara grew
up in South Carolina where
she attended the University
of South Carolina After a
14-year sojourn in the Virgin
Islands where she operated
a graphic design studio, she came to
New Orleans and did some work for the
Roths who owned the Storyville Hotel at
the time. When the opportunity arose to
purchase the hotel, she moved quickly
on it. “And so began my new career as an
innkeeper,” Barbara recounted.
Barbara takes extra special pride in
her staff and she is effusive in her praise
for them. “I have the best housekeepers
in the world,” she said. “This place is
extremely clean and well-maintained.
Raquel and Roxanne are my twin
housekeepers. Everyone loves them and
they do an exceptional job.”
Barbara’s partner, Glenn Nelson is the
hotel’s gardener – among other things
– and is in charge of maintaining the
grounds. “He has a green thumb and
everything he touches grows like crazy,”
she raved. “He is also responsible for
the beautiful pond which is a focal point
in the garden. And when it comes to
putting on events, he does a fabulous
job on that too. Sometimes I truly
believe he can move mountains!”
Two other employees round out the
Hotel Storyville staff.
Since moving to New Orleans,
Barbara has become an active member
of the community, joining more than a
dozen professional, business, cultural,
historic preservation and neighborhood
organizations. She also donates
generously to various charitable causes.
Despite the long hours that don’t
leave her much time for getting out and
enjoying the city’s nightlife, she loves
what she does and she strives to make
her guests feel as “at home” as possible.
Those “guests” include both the ones
who stay at the hotel and those who rent
the garden for their events.
And though she might not get out as
much as she would like to, she enjoys
hosting the events that people bring to
her facility. “As an innkeeper, I’m an
entertainer in my own right,” she laughs.
To book accommodations or schedule an
event at Hotel Storyville call (504) 948-4800,
visit their website at http://hotelstoryville.net/
or email barbara@hotelstoryville.net.
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