In the Eye of the Storm
Latinas Facing COVID-19
Doctors, nurses, paramedics, police officers, and firefighters are responding with
professionalism and courage to the needs of not only our community but to the world. Here are
the faces of Latinas keeping us safe and saving lives every day.
By Gloria Romano-Barrera
Paulette Rangel
Registered Nurse, ICU
Phoenix, AZ
A nurse in the intensive care unit at a
Phoenix, AZ hospital, Paulette Rangel has
been designated to care for COVID-19
patients. A nurse for eight years and in the
ICU for five, Rangel is a mom to an almost
two-year-old boy Mateo, and self-isolates in her
master bedroom to protect her family. “It would just break my heart if one of
them came down with something and it was my fault,” she states. “We have a
moral obligation to be there for our patients, to care for them, just like we
always have. I want everybody to know that you are not alone and that we are
here for you, and we are going to help you get better.”
Susana Gonzalez
Chicago, IL
A nurse educator at ASI Homecare
agency in Chicago, Susana Gonzalez
knew she would serve in healthcare as a
nurse since she was 12 years old. “I was
considered the empathetic, kind, go-to
person to heal someone or give first aide,” she shares.
Today Gonzalez teaches over 300 staff to be safe in a home environment and
how to care for patients. An adjunct faculty at DePaul University
for nursing students, Gonzalez spends a lot of time on
infection control education and teaching proper utilizing of PPE in patient’s
homecare environments. “As a nurse, I have worked through, EBOLA, H1N1
times, and now COVID-19. I work hard to practice safety infection control skills
during my healthcare career in and out of the work environment and now the
public.,” she shares. “It is a new time and as a nurse I am flexible and
adaptable to what occurs in healthcare. I will continue to be a nurse. I will
work hard to stay informed and updated on medical changes and on all diseases
as they occur in our world. I will practice safety and appropriate measures to
protect myself and my patients always.”
Serena Perea-Castro
Registered Nurse at a major
Chicagoland University
Hospital and Adjunct
Professor at a University for
Nursing Students
A nurse since 2014, 29-year-old Serena
Perea-Castro has loved every minute of her career,
despite the challenges. The dedicated nurse feels this has been the most
stressful time of her life. Within the last two weeks, she has seen her unit, a
General Medicine/Telemetry unit, be converted into a COVID-19 unit.
“Being a frontline worker during the pandemic has given me a new
outlook on our public health system and my value to the community,” she shares.
“Oftentimes we are called the frontline workers but in reality, we are the last line
for a majority of patients. I have never been so proud to be a nurse at this
crucial time.”
Priscilla Hernandez
Police Officer
Dallas Police Department
Patrol Southeast Division
“I love my job,” states Police Officer
Priscilla Hernandez. “I strive to make the
world a better place for my daughter. I
want to leave a positive impact on my Latino
community.” Hernandez is not only a
first-responder but has also become a part-time teacher to
her daughter while continuing to work full-time. “I have to purposely be exposed
when dealing with arrestees and people in need,” she says. I have learned through
my profession to not panic but instead deal with problems as they come my way.
I try to educate myself with the obstacles that I will face from dealing with COVID-
19 and accept the steps I must take to overcome it.” Hernandez shares small
micro-practices that can immediately be applied to harness stress and boost
stamina, confidence, and resilience. “Slow down and take extra
precautions; Trust in your training; Take deep breaths to reset; Focus on who you
live your life for; last but not least, trust your colleagues to have your back.”
8 www. lat LATINAStyle Vol . 26, No. 2, 2020