COVID-19 Pandemic and Latinos
By Norma G. Cuellar, PhD., RN, FAAN
President, National Association of Hispanic Nurses
In the last couple of weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, data has
been presented that shows a great disproportion in the number
of minorities who are dying from COVID-19 compared with white
patients. Co-morbid risk factors (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, and obesity)
along with the increased risks of the social determinants of health (SDOH)
contribute to inadequate culturally congruent health care in Latinos.
There is a dire need to address problems related to the current
COVID-19 pandemic in under-represented groups. Latinos make up the
fastest-growing minority group in the United States. Health disparities
continue to emerge as the pandemic continues to worsen in the country.
Identifying social determinants of health will help us to prepare culturally
sensitive interventions to educate, prevent, and treat COVID-19 in a
culturally vulnerable population, thereby, reducing the harm to our
Latinos in rural and urban areas and decreasing health care costs.
We must also not forget outbreaks in rural areas where the number
of COVID-19 is increasing. Large numbers of Latinos live in rural areas
which are high-risk areas for COVID-19, where migrant workers and older
persons living with chronic health conditions live and less health care
infrastructure is seen. Rural hospitals are often not prepared to treat
COVID-19 patients and often do not have the health care personnel or
equipment. Latinos in rural areas are even more vulnerable with
inadequate insurance, lack of access to health care, and few resources
to combat the virus.
It is important to identify the social determinants of health in Latinos
and understand both risk factors that determine health outcomes of the
pandemic in Latinos. Using the Devers Epidemiological Model, we need
to examine issues that contribute to the virus like human biology
(physical, genetics, aging), lifestyle (customs, traditions, habits),
environment (physical, biological, social, and spiritual), and health
systems (health care access, availability, use, and services). Looking at
all these variables will help us to truly address the issues relevant to the
pandemic in Latinos. With this data, we can develop culturally sensitive
interventions for Latinos throughout the country, specifically, as we
anticipate second and possibly third waves of the pandemic.
¡Punto Final!
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Dr. Norma Cuellar has taught since 1989 in a variety of nursing programs. Her focus in teaching has been
leadership, research, gerontology, and sleep. Dr. Cuellar is currently the editor in chief of the Journal of
Transcultural Nursing. Dr. Cuellar has published in peer-review journals as well as several book chapters
related to her research area: Restless Legs Syndrome, Sleep, Complementary and Alternative Health Care. Dr.
Cuellar’s primary focus has been on Cultural Diversity. She is serving as the president of the National
Association of Hispanic Nurses (2018-2020). Dr. Cuellar is also the program director for the HRSA BAMA-L
grant. In collaboration with the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, 80 Latino nurses with associate
degree programs will be admitted to the CCNs RN to BSN program.
28 LATINAStyle Vol. 26, No. 2, 2020