CEO Letter
These are unprecedented times. What isn’t unprecedented is the
way our community cares for one another. Northwest Georgia is no
stranger to hardship, yet each and every time, friends, families, and
neighbors join forces with strength, courage, love, and compassion
to see each other through those difficult times. Whether it is an
economic challenge, a raging storm, or a global pandemic, we’re all in
this together.
We are thankful for the strong partnerships we have with area
health departments, city and government agencies, and local
businesses–especially in times like these. Many businesses have
gone out of their way to help provide personal protective equipment
(PPE) and have even changed their processes to manufacture
needed materials. We are also thankful to the community leaders
who volunteer their valuable time to be the stewards of Hamilton’s
mission through the Hamilton Health Care System and Hamilton
Medical Center boards.
In these unprecedented times, the heart that Northwest Georgia
has shown is inspiring. It shows that even though we may have
recently spent some time apart, we’re all in this together.
Best Regards,
The magazine of Hamilton Health Care System
Jeffrey D. Myers
President and CEO
Sandy McKenzie
Hamilton Medical Center COO
Kim Reynolds
Executive Editor
Michelle Turner
Marketing Operations Manager/Editor-in-Chief
Michelle Turner & Jane Snipes
Jake McGill, Andy Baxter, Brandon Cawood,
David Humber
Event photographs were taken before COVID-19.
Hamilton Health is published as a service of
Hamilton Health Care System, 1200 Memorial
Drive, Dalton, GA 30720. ©2020. All rights
reserved. The contents of this publication may
not be reproduced in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. For more
information about topics and programs discussed
in this publication or to receive future issues
of Hamilton Health, call 706.272.6529. This
publication in no way seeks to diagnose or treat
illness or to replace professional medical care.
Please see your physician if you have a health
Hamilton Health Care System’s mission: We
provide leadership, partnerships, and seamless
resource coordination to meet health care needs
that advance the quality and dignity of life.
Jeffrey D. Myers
President and CEO