Heart Health Assessments
(6 events; 164 participants)
Hamilton Health Care System offered free screenings
and assessments to the community to detect potential
signs of heart disease. The screenings included
cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure.
take it
heart to
(2 events; 75 participants)
Hamilton presented a two-part cardiovascular
education and screening program. The program included
a physician lecture on heart disease prevention and
risks, and the free screenings included CT cardiac score,
LDL and HDL cholesterol, body mass index, and blood
Community Education and Health Screening
(61 events; 13,347 participants)
Hamilton regularly hosted or participated in community
health events across the region. Our contribution
included staffing, simple health screenings, and
educational materials on community health needs
including nutrition and lifestyle, diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, hypertension, cancer, mental health, and access
to care.
Student Career Days
(15 events; 6,649 students)
Hamilton regularly visits schools across the region
to educate students on college pathways and career
opportunities in healthcare.