Vol. 27, No. 5, 2021
Table of Contents 2 LATINAStyle Vol. 27, No. 5, 2021
Columns & Departments
10 The Dynamic Soledad O’Brien, Changing the
Narrative One Untold Story at a Time
She has become a role model for Latinas, especially journalists around
the country, earning countless awards, including three Emmys, all with
a mission to tell the stories about people whose perspectives often fly
under the mainstream media radar. Meet Soledad O’Brien, a Latina
who has accomplished groundbreaking feat with tenacity, integrity,
grace, and empathy.
By Christine Bolaños
Latina University Presidents, Empowering
Communities through Education
Latinas are making their mark in education as presidents of
Universities across the country. Meet Dr. Waded Cruzado, president of
Montana State University; Dr. Teresa Leyba Ruiz president of Glendale
Community College; Dr. Irma Becerra, president of Marymount
University; and Ana Patterson, president of Southwestern Adventist
University. While their journeys to the presidency are vastly different,
their fierce commitment to their communities through quality education
and beyond ties them together, as does their view on obstacles — or
opportunities to learn and innovate.
By Nilda Melissa Diaz
Latinas Thriving in City of Albuquerque
Latinas are on the rise when it comes to owning businesses in the
United States, particularly for businesses that invest back into their
communities. Meet eight Latinas in New Mexico that are not only
leading with determination and passion but are shining a light and
impacting the economy at large.
By Gloria Romano-Barrera
Pg. 10
Publisher’s Message
Latinas Today: Mari Carmen Aponte, Captain Lillian Carranza,
Dora Westerlund
The 2022 Genesis GV70, Synonymous with Relaxing and
Enjoyable Driving. By Lupita Colmenero
Preserving Latino Heritage through U.S. National Parks
Latinas Get Access to Tuition-Free College through Walmart’s
Innovative Program
LATINA Style Business Series, Central Region
Eggy’s Corner: Juno Takeover! By Hannah Rigsby
and Lory Burgos
Letters from the Front: By YN2 Jessica Contreras, U.S.
Coast Guard
Veteran’s Perspective: By Jackie Jolly, former Sergeant, U.S.
Marine Corps Reserves, Nationwide
Las Jefas: Hispanics, Who Are We? We Are America.
By Marisa Rivera
About the Author: Fulfilling My Dreams. By Rebecca Contreras
College Beat: By Yukary Gomez, Senior, UTSA
His View: By Dr. Miguel A. Cardona, U.S. Secretary of Education
Punto Final: By Amanda Fernandez, CEO and Founder of Latinos
for Education