Publisher’s Founder & Publisher Anna Maria Arias
President & CEO Robert E. Bard
Chief Operating Lupita Colmenero
Managing Editor Gloria Romano-Barrera
It’s been a year like no other. As we come to the tail end of 2021, we
have been tested the hardest in our 27 years of our company. The
pandemic has devastated so many families that I am amazed at the
resilience of our Latina community. Nearly 30 percent of all Latina-owned
businesses have closed their doors. Thousands have been laid off or let go.
The dynamics of the workplace have changed, probably forever. Who would
have thought that the new workplace could be your home? That virtual
environment would become acceptable across the land. We will hopefully
soon learn how to continue to move forward.
Our LATINA Style Business Series empowering Latina entrepreneurs
continues, and we are getting ready for the Southwest edition of the
program. Nationwide Insurance continues its steadfast support and we have
been able to bring JPMorgan Chase for Business on board. We also visited,
virtually, Albuquerque, with our LATINA Style Business Series. It was a grand
event, and we thank Bank of America and the city of Albuquerque for their
We are proud to feature Ms. Soledad O’Brien on our cover for the
second time in the history of the magazine. She is one of our most
successful Latina journalists and a courageous woman who is not afraid to
find out the truth about what is happening in our community and tell us
about it.
We continue our work in the education field highlighting Latina
university and college presidents. In this edition, the new Secretary of
Education, the Honorable Dr. Miguel A. Cardona provides his undertakings
in our His View Column — the future of education in our country, what
needs to be changed and how we are going to make things better.
On a sad note, we lost Ron Blackburn-Moreno, a tremendous leader of
our community. We were fortunate to have been his friend and work with him
for over 25 years. His legacy working with youth at ASPIRA will live on, and
his leadership in serving and creating many of our most important Hispanic
organizations will be missed. We extend our condolences to his family and
to the many organizations that he still served. God speed my friend; you
lived a life of consequence. We will not forget you.
4 LATINAStyle Vol. 27, No. 5, 2021
Contributing Victor Hugo Coronado Castañeda
Graphic Designer
Contributors Amanda Fernandez
Christine Bolaños
Hannah Rigsby
Jackie Jolly
Jessica Contreras
Lory Burgos
Marisa Rivera
Miguel A. Cardona
Nilda Melissa Diaz
Rebecca Contreras
Yukary Gomez
Event Manager Jakki Perry
Accounting & Maria E. Gallegos
Circulation Director
Director of Beana Ramirez
Corporate Relations
Web Address
Stock Photography
Photo cover: Soledad O’Brien.
Stay healthy, Stay safe.
LATINA Style is published bimonthly by LATINA Style, Inc. 2102 Empire
Central, Dallas, TX, 75235. Subscriptions are available at $20 for two years
for a total of 12 issues. To subscribe to LATINA Style call (214) 357-2186 or send
checks to LATINA Style Magazine, 2102 Empire Central, Dallas, TX,
75235. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial
or advertising matter. Editorial submissions must be accompanied by a
self-addressed, stamped envelope. The publisher assumes no responsibility
for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. No part of this magazine may
be reprinted or otherwise duplicated without the written permission of
the editor. Copyright by LATINA Style, Inc. All rights reserved. "LATINA
Style" (ISSN 1531-0868). Vol. 27, No. 5, 2021.
Robert E. Bard
Ronald Blackburn-Moreno.