“Believe You Can Fly”
Where ere‘s Wind, There’s a way!
Women’s kiteboard pioneer Linda
By: Tonya Bramlage
Photos by Gunilla Imshaug and submitted
Campbell may not consider herself
an expert with
20 years of pursuing
“big air,” but without a
doubt at 61 years of age,
she makes kiteboarding
look like nothing less
than a magical carpet
ride across the vast
waters. A former gymnast, third degree black
belt and yogi, she developed her passion for
kiteboarding as a result of encouraging her
husband of 31 years, Rob Campbell, to take
up wind surfi ng lessons.
“Back in the early days of the sport, there
were only a handful of women,” she said.
“Now there is an International Women’s
Kiteboarding Coalition.”
From twin tipping to winging to hydro
foiling, and now to Linda’s most recent
kiteboarding adventure prone surfi ng, she
and Rob both enjoy their mutual pursuit of
being together and the exhilaration of the
In as little as three decades, kitesurfi ng
has managed to become one of the fastestgrowing
sports in the world. It is an extreme
adventure water sport that consists of using
a large steerable kite to propel yourself
on a board on top of the water. The term
“kitesurfi ng” is commonly used
interchangeably with “kiteboarding” and
“skyboarding.” Kites are controlled by a bar
and lines that connect to a harness, which is
worn around the midsection. The kite can be
fl own in specifi c patterns in order to generate
power and can be used to elevate oneself
high into the air. Experienced professional
kiteboarders can jump 50 or 60 feet high and
can easily fl oat for hundreds of feet when the
conditions are right.
Kiteboarding is considered to be one of the
most thrilling water sports by extreme sport
enthusiasts. It combines the art of sailing,
wave-riding expertise and the gravity-defying
characteristics of acrobatics. Selecting which
type of kite that is right to use, varies by
size and shape, depending respectively on
the strength of the wind, your weight, your
level of expertise and the discipline you are
28 GASPARILLA MAGAZINE • January/February • 2022