“If it hadn’t been for Judy’s support,
generosity and thoughtful mentoring I don’t
think we would have made it through those
early years,” confi ded Robin.
Judy is a legend on the island for her practice
of sharing resources.
“Once, Boca Bargains received a very large
donation and our space was too small. Judy
stepped in and offered to share her space with
us so that we were able to accept the donation,”
recalled Jo Ann.
Those who know her best have remarked
that Judy has a remarkable way of sharing her
lifetime love of fashion and helping others
discover the hidden gems tucked away inside
of them.
Judy’s own words in response to that are,
“I believe that people act the way they are
Encouraging shoppers to look their best
and to try something outside of their personal
comfort zone are just two aspects of the “Judy
“Judy is a natural born stylist with an
extraordinary gift to make those around her
feel like family,” shared longtime colleague,
customer, and retail collaborator Jo Ann.
No wonder Judy has managed to retain
a bevy of regular, repeat customers during
her tenure at six different store locations in
Southwest Florida.
Shown on this page is Judy Damron, owner at
Getting the most out of your shopping spree
Most of the shopping that women do is routine,
but there are still many pain points in the retail
and sales experience. Boomer women are the
key demographic for the next decade. There is
an enormous number of them, and they have
the largest amount of wealth in this country,
yet most advertisers and marketers do not
spend any time marketing to people over the
age of 54. It is a huge miss for retailers who
choose to ignore this segment. No matter how
fast technology advances or how frequently
people change the way they shop, one thing
remains the same: Women are the shoppers of
the world and understanding “why” she buys is
the best insurance policy for retail and therapy
there is.
Talking shop with Jo Ann, Robin and Judy
goes far beyond the jargon or subject matter
peculiar to their personal retail occupations
and special areas of interest. Instead of the
typical talk heard around a water cooler, the
conversation with these three ladies is focused