Cure what ails you
wit h elderberry elderberry
A new fascination with an age-old plant
They used to say, “An apple a day keeps the
doctor away,” but we now fi nd ourselves
living in a world which proves that moms
like Chelsea Whetsel, founder of the Elderberry
Shop, know fi rsthand that our immune building
power belongs, in part, to the elderberry.
Hippocrates (460 – 370 BC), the Greek
physician sometimes called the “Father of
Medicine,” described the elderberry as his
“medicine chest” because of a plethora of uses.
Elderberry has, in fact, been used medicinally
for hundreds of years.
Chelsea creates each batch of her elderberry
products in Punta Gorda and makes them
available on Gasparilla Island at Bella Vida and
online through her website TheElderberryShop.
“This sweet business started out as a hobby. I
have always valued the importance of organic
products, as well as a holistic approach to
healing,” she said.
Elderberry juices contain Sambucus
agglutinins nigra, which protects healthy and
productive cells inside our body from colds and
the fl u. The fruits contain fl avonoids that work
naturally to combat the common cold, infl uenza
virus and help prevent cellular damage in the
human body. The berries grow on trees or
bushes that are native to both Europe and parts
of North America. This tiny fresh fruit’s acid is
rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, fl avonoids
and amino acids. Elderberry also contains the
chemical compound anthocyanidins, which is
known for having an immune stimulating effect.
Research has confi rmed that elderfl ower
extract stimulates glucose metabolism and
insulin secretion, lowering blood sugar levels.
Elderberry also has the ability to reduce or
lower the cholesterol number and minimize the
amount of bad cholesterol inside our body, thus
By Tonya Bramlage
Photos by Matthew Gutman
minimizing the potential of having a serious heart
disease. Additionally, elderberry fruit contains vitamin
A which is well known as an essential vitamin for our
vision and health.
When consumed regularly, for some people, the
elderberry fruit can solve skin problems, such as
dark spots and acne. Elderberry fruits and fl owers
are believed to provide tremendous benefi ts for
maintaining natural beauty. They have been widely
used in cosmetics, skin creams and various beauty
products with good reason. The biofl avonoids and
antioxidants, along with a high vitamin content, work
well for many people’s skin health.
Above: Chelsea and Robert Whetsel
Facing page: Elderberry tea and syrups have been known
through the ages as a remedy for many health ailments,
and today they are making a comeback.