Here are some practical tips to ensure that your
elderly senior is getting proper nutrition. Offer
them nutritionally dense foods because many
seniors don’t eat as much as they should. The food
they do eat should be as nutritious as possible:
• Offer whole and unprocessed foods that are high
in calories like healthy fats like nut butters, nuts,
and olive oil, whole grains like brown rice, whole
wheat bread, and whole grain cereals, fresh
fruits and vegetables, and protein-rich beans,
legumes, and dairy products.
• Make food that is aromatic and flavorful. As
elderly people’s senses become dulled with age,
it is important to make foods that smell strongly
delicious in order to stimulate their appetite.
You can intensity flavors with herbs, marinades,
dressings, and sauces. Combine textures such
as yogurt with granola and switch between a
variety of foods during one meal to keep food
• Make eating a family occasion. Depressed
seniors who feel lonely and isolated are less
likely to take the time to sit down to eat a healthy
meal. Sit down with the whole family or invite
them over on a regular basis. When mealtime
becomes an interesting and fun occasion,
seniors are more likely to eat and more likely to
enjoy what they are eating.
• Promote healthy snacks in between meals.
Many seniors don’t enjoy large meals so an
alternative solution is to plan for several minimeals
throughout the day. Make the meals
nutritionally dense with many fruits, vegetables,
and whole grains. Cut back on high sodium
meals and food with high saturated fat content.