Twenty Years
Key Club’s Putt-Putt
Fundraiser still going
strong after 20 years
Anson Rowe '20 and Sean Doherty '20 (TOP LEFT), Nico
Machado '21 (TOP RIGHT), and Zachary Reich '22 (BOTTOM
LEFT) with their new friends at the Putt-Putt Fundraiser
BOTTOM RIGHT The winning Putt-Putt team of White,
Perez, Rodriguez, and Kynes
on the Jesuit High School calendar.
very best ever.
their skills on the mini golf course and
in the game room. Also on hand were
children from the organization Putt-Putt
and camaraderie.
A "Men for Others" spirit permeated
the event, and at the end of the
morning, in addition to the fellowship
and new friendships developed, more
than $6,000 had been raised for the
Children's Cancer Center.
Among the Key Club members
who helped to make this year's
president Thomas Turner '19, vice
Tyler Petitt '19, secretary Trace
were supported by Key Club moderator
Amy Martin.
The event's success also was made
possible by the primary sponsors,
and Pest Control, Inc. and the Kiwanis
Club of Tampa, as well as Quorum
Services and McConnie Fence Co.
Additional sponsors included: Gene
Services Inc., Pin Chasers, Fanelli Law
Firm, PA, the Turner Family, and Garcia
and Ortiz, PA.
The team of Andrew Kynes '19, T.J.
Perez '19, Will Rodriguez '19, and Max
competition by 5 strokes, and donated
its winnings back to the fundraiser.