Jesuit’s annual
Basket Drive
provides a record
231 robust meals
for families in
need in the
Tampa Bay area
Jesuit High School’s annual Thanksgiving
Basket Drive culminated a few
days before the holiday, on Sunday,
on campus, as hundreds of volunteers
packed and delivered a basket
Bay area.
The students, family members, alumni,
and Jesuit staff arrived on Sunday
new Chapel of the Holy Cross before
heading to the cafeteria. There they
ate a delicious breakfast, and then the
packing frenzy began. They prepared
a complete, robust Thanksgiving meal
for a large family: frozen turkeys, cooking
bles, gravy, applesauce, macaroni and
cheese, and more.
Jesuit’s Director of Community Service,
student body a month earlier to raise
more than $400 per homeroom via
weekly collections, enough to guarantee
the way with $1,463 of the $13,900
in contributions from Homecoming Fun
total raised this year was a drive-record
$17,700, enough to also provide a gift
The money was used to bulk purchase
all of the food for the baskets except
the turkeys. Those were supplied by the
Dads' Club during morning drop-off and
afternoon pick-up the previous week.
The extra 70 turkeys were donated to a
local food bank.
On Friday, two days before all of
delivered hundreds of pounds of
where students unloaded and organized
it in the cafeteria.
baskets were packed, the students
the new Jeff and Penny Vinik Family
Boys & Girls Club at Winston Park),
56 were delivered directly to families
connected to the Migrant Education
Program in east Hillsborough County.
Scan to view a photo slideshow from
the Thanksgiving Basket Drive TOP Jesuit students unload a U-Haul full of food
MIDDLE Drew Hanis '19 helps pack a Thanksgiving basket
BOTTOM The Jesuit Dads' Club collected 300 frozen turkeys