f o r B e s t A r c h i t e c t u r a l
D e s i g n
Anna Shaw Children’s Institute recently received the highest award for architectural design at the 2019 Healthcare Design
Showcase hosted by Healthcare Design magazine.
The Institute, which opened April 1, was designed by Earl Swensson Associates (ESa). Dedicated to the memory of local
philanthropist Anna Sue Shaw, the Institute is an advocate for the care of children who experience the challenges of autism
receive diagnoses, treatment, therapy services, and support all under one roof.
“We absolutely love our building,” says Terri Woodruff, Anna Shaw Children’s Institute executive director. “The medical
elements are hidden in the forest design so that, to the children, it looks like a treehouse in the forest. Children walk in and
With design elements inspired by the style of a treehouse, the Institute was designed to be considerate of children’s differing
abilities to tolerate light, sound, and texture. The Institute provides a unique environment with the overall goal of helping
children and families live happy, healthy lives.