Peeples Cancer Institute replaces the existing Hamilton Cancer Institute and Judd Cancer Center located in the Burkett
Building off of Broadrick Drive. The new radiation oncology pavilion in Peeples Cancer Institute is named for the Judd family
whose trust has provided annual contributions to advance Hamilton’s cancer program.
Local philanthropists Shelby and Willena Peeples have provided a legacy gift toward the development of the Cancer Institute
and furthered Hamilton’s vision for transformational healthcare. “We are indebted to the Peeples for their commitment to
says Jeff.
Institute will make a difference in thousands of lives in northwest Georgia.”
quality of life of cancer patients.
Ke y f e a t u r e s o f P e e p l e s C a n c e r I n s t i t u t e :
• Cutting-edge radiation therapy, including the Varian® TrueBeam linear accelerator and 4-D CT Simulator
• 3D mammography and ultrasound imaging (Mammography services were moved from Hamilton Diagnostics Center to
Peeples Cancer Institute.)
• A patient navigator to answer questions, provide emotional support, suggest helpful resources, and walk patients through
their unique cancer treatment journey
• Private and semi-private infusion rooms
• A public plaza with beautiful garden spaces and waterfalls
• A bistro with coffee, smoothies, and light refreshments