12 HamiltonHealth.com/colonoscopy
The new Bandy Endoscopy Center opened the summer of 2019 at Hamilton Medical Center. The state-of-the-art center
adjoins Hamilton Medical Center and has both its own entrance and convenient patient parking at the corner of Memorial
and Broadrick drives.
With the opening of the new Bandy Endoscopy Center, Hamilton doubled the number of procedure suites and added 16
private patient rooms. Both gastrointestinal endoscopy and bronchoscopy procedures are performed at the center.
Hamilton provides minimally-invasive procedures to diagnose and treat a variety of digestive disorders such as chronic
Te s t i n g p r o c e d u r e s i n c l u d e :
• Bronchoscopy: a test to view the airways and diagnose
and treat pulmonary and lung diseases
• Colonoscopy: a procedure that allows a physician to look
growths, and ulcers
• Endobronchial ultrasound: a technique that uses
ultrasound along with bronchoscopy to visualize the
airway wall and areas near it.
• EGD: a procedure that allows a physician to look inside
your esophagus, stomach, and small intestine.
B a r r e t t ’ s E s o p h a g u s