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C . H . A . M . P. C l a s s e s
Anna Shaw Children’s Institute offers free CHAMP classes
for “Classes to Help, Advise, and Motivate Parents.” The
classes feature a different topic each month and are held
Institute. Please RSVP to 706.226.8911. Limited childcare for
children age 12 and under is available.
R e a d A r o u n d t h e Tr e e
Each Wednesday at 11am at Anna Shaw Children’s Institute,
a volunteer reads books to children and leads a craft. All
craft supplies are provided free of charge. Join us around the
Pa r e n t S u p p o r t G r o u p
All parents, grandparents, guardians, and other family
members of children with special needs are invited to take
part in a parent-led Parent Support Group held on the
second Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:30 pm. The
group meets in the the Southern Magnolia room on the
pizza, drinks, and a fun activity are provided. Please RSVP to
Anna Shaw
Children’s Institute
1201 Burleyson Road
Dalton, Georgia