in a different world than they did. That device
in my pocket is my connection to those I can’t
always see in person.
That’s why I panic when I can’t fi nd it.
However, I am sure most of us have heard of
insecurities and their relation to social media status.
I think most raised in the digital age have felt
this pressure. Instagram is notorious for generating
this sense of instability. This app was designed
specifi cally to show off the best moments of
your life, while leaving out everything in between.
It has single-handedly made Millennials and
Generation Z kids some of the most anxious
yet. The reason we are all so worried could
be exasperated too by the constant sharing of
anxious-feeling jokes, and a feeling of inadequacy
in the fact that our lives aren’t as perfect as the
ones we see online.
But that doesn’t do much to stop our addiction levels from rising. So, when we are judged for our tech-savvy
selves, there may be more to it than just a joke our parents make. We may just be more advanced in different
aspects of life.
And yet, you never hear the elders mocking you when they ask how to open their email on the computer.
I’m just saying.