Flavored cocktails!
Infuse your adult beverages with
all-natural ingredients from
Vena’s Fizz House.
Each jar will makes fi ve drinks.
Fill the jar to the top with liquor,
shake vigorously, let steep 2-3
days. Strain and serve over ice.
It’s cocktail time! $16.90
449 W Dearborn St., Englewood
(941) 474-7111
Keep ‘em cold!
Are all of your insulated mugs
too large for your martinis?
Check out these MargTini’s by Brumate.
A perfect size to keep those margaritas and
martinis chilled to perfection. $24.99
428 4th St. W, Boca Grande
(941) 964-2323
September/October • 2020 • GASPARILLA MAGAZINE 23
Do you have a green thumb?
Grow your own pizza, salsa, cocktail ingredients,
or just a great fl ower garden with a “made in the USA”
starter kit from Backyard Safari Corp.
Kits include pollinated seed pods, starter soil,
growing instructions and a booklet about your
selected garden, all in a 100% recycled fi ber
egg carton planter. $12.95
Old Florida Outdoor Center & Gallery
463 Dearborn St., Englewood
(941) 460-1561