Photos from the LBHS Theater group presentation of
“She Loves Me.”
we were not planning on was recasting most
of the show. After Shrek was up and running,
it seemed to be smooth sailing from then on
and we are now in production for our fi fth
mainstage show of the year, ‘Noises Off.’
Lemon Bay High School takes COVID-19
restrictions seriously.”
According to Principal Bob Bedford,
documented cases of COVID-19 were less
than 30 among students and staff as of mid-
“We have a full-time social worker and
guidance counselor; we have worked hard
to keep life as normal as possible for the
students,” he said.
Lemon Bay High School’s COVID-19
numbers are far below the state average,
with 153 being the highest number in Florida
high schools. Caution and protecting the
health and well-being of the students is the
number one priority at Lemon Bay High
School. This caution has been extended to
the audience members who support their
“The audience will be seated by the
individual party so we can maintain six-foot
social distancing,” added student and cast
member Masan, one of the Lemon Bay cast
members. “And it’s every other row seating,
all safety precautions, wearing masks inside.”
“The main challenge has been socially
distancing our audiences but luckily we have
yet to have any real issues or complaints
regarding this,” added Watkins-Yates.
Despite all the precautions, including
singing with masks, staying six feet apart
even onstage, and no physical touching,
the students agree that the audience issues
have been the biggest challenge for their
productions this season.
“The biggest challenge and change has
defi nitely been the audience,” said Sarah, a
cast member of the show. “Because we are
used to a big crowd with a lot of audience
participation and getting our energy from
the audience and with the limited capacity
we obviously can’t have as many audience
members as we’d like to have and a lot
of people just aren’t coming out, which is
understandable so it kind of sucks that way
that we can’t have as many people in the
audience so hopefully when things calm
down we can have more people in the seats