Concierge services
and personal shoppers
are quickly becoming more
mandatory than luxury
By Marcy Shortuse
There’s nothing like the feeling of
reaching your destination after a long
trip. Quite often, though, when the
engine shuts off and everyone gets out to
stretch their legs and unload the luggage
it’s late in the evening, patience is stretched
thin and travelers
are tired and
cranky. Who
hasn’t thought
to themselves
how nice it would
be to walk into
a residence
that is all set up
and ready with
everything from
groceries to
liquor to personal
hygiene items?
It’s a lot easier
than you think to
make it happen.
Many people in Boca Grande have made
the journey from their fi rst to second home
so many times, they know exactly what
they want to have on hand and pick it up
just prior to coming to the island. But if the
grocery store is closed already, it can be a
long night and morning of subsisting on
what was left in the pantry from the last stay.
There are three ways you can make it a
bit easier on yourself and your family: You
could hire a concierge service; you could
hire someone to
stock the house
with groceries
and necessities
just before
you arrive;
or, you could
have groceries
delivered after
you’ve reached
your destination.
If you’re staying
on Gasparilla
Island the fi rst
two choices
are the most
common, but
there is one company that will deliver your
groceries to your door. If you’re staying on
Palm Island, Cayo Costa or Little Gasparilla
Island, though, your options are a bit more