The other study, conducted both at the Centre for
Research and Development of the County Council
of Gävleborg as well as Uppsala Academic
Hospital by Dr. Anders Holmlund of Gävleborg,
the senior consultant of Specialized Dentistry
and Dr. Lars of the Department of Acute Medicine
at Uppsala. Drs. Holmlund and Lars examined
almost eight thousand participants who had
periodontal or gum disease in their study.
The findings were that different types of gum
disease are pre-determinants for which type of
heart disease the patients were most susceptible
to. Some of the results that the researchers found
were that those who had the most teeth were at
less risk of heart disease, where those with less
than twenty one teeth had a sixty nine persent
higher risk of heart attack. The patients who had
fewer teeth also presented more than double risk
of congestive heart failure than patients who had
the most teeth.
The participants in the study with the highest
rates of infection presented a fifty three percent
higher risk of heart attack than those who had the
least amount of infection. Those with the highest
amounts of bleeding in the gums presented just
over two times the risk of a stroke as those who
had the least amount of gum bleeding.
The study concluded that gum disease could
potentially be a predictor of heart disease risks.
“Markers of periodontal disease predict future
common cardiovascular events in different
ways, suggesting that they are risk indicators for
different cardiovascular disorders,’ said Homlund
and Lars.
By Jessica Harmon 7